Ethnocultural and linguistic diversity of the peoples of Russia and friendly countries

On October 25, 2024, the establishment of the “International Discussion Club “VISION 3000” took place at the Moscow National House.

The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic: “Ethnocultural and linguistic diversity of the peoples of Russia and friendly countries.”

The meeting was moderated by Amirova Alfiya, President of the International Women’s Union, President of the International Discussion Club VISIO 3000.

The ethnocultural and linguistic diversity of peoples means that each ethnic group has its own customs, language, culture and way of life.

Language is a carrier of culture, and as such it is not only a means of preserving and translating knowledge, but also a form of preserving and reflecting the cultural specificity of an ethnic community.


The role of ethnocultural and linguistic diversity is that it contributes to:

  • The formation of national identity. This happens through understanding and accepting the cultural and linguistic characteristics of one’s own and other nationalities.
  • Strengthening the self-awareness of each nationality and the relationship between the peoples of the country.
  • Preservation and development of cultural heritage. It allows each nation to preserve its history, customs, religion and language.

The Russian Federation includes many peoples, each of which has its own unique culture, traditions and languages.

The Russian Federation recognizes and supports ethnocultural and linguistic diversity, which contributes to the creation of equal conditions for all peoples of the country and supports social and political stability


Within the framework of the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, issues affecting state integrity, national security, mutual respect for the traditions and customs of the peoples of the Russian Federation, ensuring interethnic and interreligious peace and harmony, the development of international cooperation through ethnocultural and linguistic diversity were discussed.

The speakers at the meeting were:

Said  Boev – Secretary of the Public Council at the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation. Welcome speech.


Dmitriev Nikolay  – PhD, Associate professor, ambassador of the Russian Society “Knowledge”, expert and author of the project “Knowledge.Wiki.” Topic: “The role of national languages in the creation of the encyclopedic Knowledge project.Wiki.”


Asimova Dilorom is a member of the secretariat, Head of the Women’s Affairs Committee of the Public Council at the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation. Welcome speech.


Avelina Lobzhanidze is a poet, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, philosopher, candidate of political Sciences, producer, screenwriter and director.  Russian Russian language film production abroad as a means of cultural mutual enrichment of peoples and a means of spreading the Russian language” is the topic of the report..


Tatiana Jolivet is the Director of the ANO Center for Public Diplomacy, the head of the Jolie Art Gallery, in the past she was engaged in organizing and moderating the Amharic conversation club in Moscow.


Maria Levina/Terekhova Is The President Of The Regional Public Organization “Woman is the Heritage of the Nation”. Founder of the sorority and the School of Worthy Ladies. The founder of the project for girls and girls “Modern Institute of Noble Maidens”. The author of the All-Russian theatrical competition “Heritage of the Nation” is an educator. Topic: “The spiritual and moral education of girls in all countries is the basis for creating a global spiritual female elite.”


Shilova Ruzana – President of the Charity Foundation for Children’s Aid “Mercy-My Joy Group”. The report “Strength is in diversity: the language and traditions of different peoples of Russia”.


Vladimir Sushkov is a specialist in international relations. Member of the MGIMO Alumni Association of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since 1993, Researcher of the civilizational path of development of world society, author of the idea of convening the Organization of United Civilizations, Master of Theology. The topic of the presentation: “The civilizational approach in the development of world society. Russian civilization.  The Organization of United Civilizations (OOC).”


Geronimus Anna is a member of the Association of Guides, Translators and Guides. Member of the Union of Women’s Forces. Local historian, historian, tour guide. Topic: “The Sami are the mysterious inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula, their history, culture, traditions and way of life.”


After the speakers’ speeches and answers to questions, the participants continued to communicate in an informal setting.

We thank GBU “Moscow House of Nationalities” for their help in organizing the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”

Organizer:  “International Women’s Union”

General Information Partner: Online publication “Embassy Life”

Photos from the official photographer of the International Women’s Union Pavel Yurash


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