Meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000” on 24.01.2025


We invite you on January 24, 2025.  at 11:00 for a meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, which will be held with the support of the Moscow Government (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU “Moscow House of Nationalities”) at the Moscow House of Nationalities at: Novaya Basmannaya str., 4, building 1, Moscow.

The agenda of the meeting is devoted to the topic: “Protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, culture, historical memory and the traditional family.”

Entry is strictly by registration


January 24, 2025

11.00-15.00 Friday

  • 11.00-11.30 – gathering of participants. (doors close at 11.30)
  • 11.30 a.m. – opening of the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”
  • Moderator:
  • Amirova A.R., President of the International Women’s Union, President of the International Discussion Club VISION 3000.
  • 11.40-14.00 – Speakers’ speech 
  • 14.00-15.00- networking.

The organizer is the International Women’s Union

The official information partner is the Online publication “Embassy Life” /.

Following the meeting, the post material will be posted on the organizer’s websites. and the partner of the Online publication “Embassy Life”


Moderator:Alfiya Amirova

President of the International Women’s Union, President of the International Discussion Club VISION 3000.

Badma-Khalgaeva Olga Yurievna

Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mari El to the President of the Russian Federation.

Tatiana Leonova

Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region. Deputy Chairman of the Commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation on Personnel

George Muradov

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea – Permanent Representative of the Republic of Crimea to the President of the Russian Federation.

Daria Suntsova

The Permanent Representative of the Head of the Udmurt Republic to the President of the Russian Federation is the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic.

Svetlana Fedonina
Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Mordovia to the President of the Russian Federation

Prutyanaya Anna

Advisor to the Head of the State Institution “Representative Office of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region under the Government of the Russian Federation”.

Sadigova Mehriban

Director of the branch of the House of the Peoples of Russia in the Lugansk People’s Republic. Chairman of the Federal Council of the public organization “Federal National and Cultural Autonomy of Azerbaijanis of Russia”.

Landa Kamil

Doctor of Political Sciences. Professor of the Department of International Cooperation IURR RANHiGS under the President of the Russian Federation.

Velichkina Ekaterina

The blogger. Head of the Department for Ethical Standards of Media Content and Digital Promotion at the Center for Responsible Blogging at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Vice President of the International Association of Parliamentarians of Political and Spiritual Leaders for Traditional True Values.

Rima Gumerovna Safiullova

General Director of Agrofirma Kolos LLC (Tatarstan). Vice President of the International Women’s Union. Member of the International Association of Islamic Business Charitable Foundation.Deputy of the Syundyukovsky rural settlement of the Tetyushsky municipal district.

Kulikova Nadezhda

Candidate of psycho.sciences, systemologist. federal expert, expert of the Association of Organizations for the Protection of Families. Topic of the report: “Topical issues of the formation of spiritual and moral values of the modern family”

Makarevich Angela

Leading analyst at the Investment Attraction Department of the Representative Office of the Penza Region Government under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Anna A. Smirnova

Deputy Head of the Sevastopol Government Department in Moscow, Office of the Governor and the Government of Sevastopol. Presence

Taisheva Syumbel.

Head of the sector of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation. Presence


Ilya Afonshin.

Head of the Department of Social Programs and Cultural Projects of the Representative Office of the Government of the Tyumen Region in the state authorities of the Russian Federation. Presence



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