Azamat Raimov, Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of Protocol Service, spoke on the topic “Tourism potential of Uzbekistan”. During the meeting, a presentation on the tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held and videos prepared by the National PR Center were shown. A separate emphasis was placed on the theme “Samarkand – the tourist gate of New Uzbekistan”.
“It is no secret that Uzbekistan regularly occupies high places in various world tourism rankings, and the number of tourists visiting the country, including from Russia, has been growing regularly and dynamically for many years. Russia is Uzbekistan’s largest partner in the field of tourism. So, in 2022. 567 thousand Russian tourists visited Uzbekistan. Compared to 2021 (190.7 thousand) the growth was 297%.”- said Mr. Raimov.
*For reference. 05.04.2017 an agreement was signed between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development of cooperation in the field of tourism.