Historically, the traditional family is the basis of society, nation, religious group. No wonder F. Engels called the family the cell from which society is formed.
Sergey Vladimirovich Mayorov, Development Advisor, consultant of the GDRF, Ministry of Education, revealed the topic “Traditional family values as the basis of a new cultural code” during the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, which took place on July 26, 2023 with the support of the Moscow Government (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU “Moscow House of Nationalities”) in the Moscow House of Nationalities.
The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic “Cultural dialogue. Interethnic relations”.
{Version – Family – 7th, 2 grandmothers, 2 grandfathers, dad, mom, child}
At the same time, wars, the redistribution of territories, and the seizure of resources have been waged almost all the time of mankind’s existence. Such events stimulated the development of technologies: communications, wars… Always one of the important tasks was the enslavement of the population. Since a certain time, the technological impact as a method of enslavement has reached its limit.
And this is where the sphere of hybrid wars begins, including the informational impact on the inhabitants of the countries against which aggression is being waged.
And here the family, its younger generation, which is traditionally more receptive and knowledgeable, got into the crosshairs…
If you want to rule the country, bring up its children!
From that moment on, the means of conquering countries on the distant approaches was the informational impact on the younger generation.
Let ‘s highlight the two most common and effective ways of influencing:
Overton windows and an attractive lifestyle.
Overton Windo
The Overton Window: a sociological concept of the existence of a framework of an acceptable range of opinions in public statements of politicians and activists from the point of view of the current public discourse. The concept is used by political scientists, political analysts, historians, cultural scientists, etc. all over the world and implies a shift in the information field towards unacceptable concepts and opinions in society.
Hence, on long-distance approaches, the transformation of vampires and other bad things into cool guys who have families, hobbies, vacations… And then they start creating 3D steaks from human tissue…
Attractive lifestyle
The second tool is the formation of cult “hype” heroes who promote certain values, packaged in a lifestyle and the image of the hero becomes a tool for promoting values. Here a set of markers is created, owning which a person translates commitment to the lifestyle promoted by the hero…
{…One of his business cards turned out to be a clip advertising “P-Cola” – a clip that, as many researchers noted, became a turning point in the development of the entire world culture. It compared two monkeys. One of them drank “ordinary cola” and as a result was able to perform some simple logical actions with cubes and sticks. The other was drinking Pepsi-Cola. Merrily hooting, she drove off in the direction of the sea in a jeep in an embrace with girls who clearly wanted to sneeze at women’s equality… Pelevin “Generation P}
Today we are witnessing the active promotion of brands and lifestyles, behaviors behind them… At the same time, there has also been a shift, a rise in the vertical of the manufacturer. The key was the country of production.
The situation at the moment
However, the ideologists of the Western/rainbow lifestyle, which does not accept the traditional family, did not predict the limit of pressure, when already seemingly resigned societies began to object to the aggressive and “insane” propaganda of perversions called tolerance….
Already in the USA, some states are introducing a ban on the promotion of LGBT “values”! Among children, the Mainstay European countries speak at public levels about the fatigue of the LGBT+ agenda and the desire to return to the traditional way!
The Western world is tired of social perversions and tolerance!
It’s time to formulate and promote traditional values, create cultural codes, Based on a strong, loving, honoring traditions, respecting elders, caring for the younger family. The basis of actions is mutual respect and not aggression.
What actions should be taken?
To form images that promote the cultural code and actively launch them into the media space is an effective way and it is necessary to use it!:
Cartoons – it is necessary to start introducing to traditions and traditional values from childhood and cartoons, children’s media is one of the most effective tools;
computer games – worlds, heroes, mannerisms – are often computer games;
creative festivals are an opportunity to express themselves and it is important to maintain traditional forms of representation and behavior[1];
Bloggers – the way of life is changing and now one of the most popular ways to convey information is to put it into the mouth of a blogger popular with the target group… This should be taken into account and work with it;
The symbols of the cultural code integrated into design and fashion are another tool based on the person – the leader of public opinion, who, sharing the traditional agenda, creates markers – things, creative styles, using which listeners touch the topic of traditional values.
Fig.2 Examples of integrating symbols into the design
Soft power
And we must remember that the cultural/spiritual planes of life do not like rude interference. In this matter, it is advisable to prohibit (and then skillfully) only the channels of information dissemination! You can ban topics, but “forbidden fruit is sweet! Water will find a crack!
We need to inspire with ideas, light up our eyes!
[1] It is important to control the organizers of events here – so that a harmless children’s festival does not turn into an LGBT sabbath (as it was at one of the Tavrida festivals)!