The role of the women’s community in the modern world

The role of the women’s community in the modern world

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The International Women's Union and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation held on April 25, 2024.  the meeting  The International discussion Club "VISION 3000". [caption id="attachment_1154" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] ФОТО-ОБЩЕСТВЕННАЯ ПАЛАТА РФ[/caption] The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic: "The role of the women's community in the modern world." The official information partner is the Online publication "Embassy  Life " The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Coordinating Council at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for Network Communities. Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Economics and Labor Relations of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Olga Golyshenkova, President of the Association of Citizens and Organizations for the Promotion of Corporate Education "MAKO"  Mikhailovna [caption id="attachment_1155" align="alignnone" width="2500"] ФОТО-ОБЩЕСТВЕННАЯ ПАЛАТА РФ[/caption] The moderator…
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International and interethnic dialogue. Experience of the Karelian community in Moscow

International and interethnic dialogue. Experience of the Karelian community in Moscow

At the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", the theme of which was: "The culture of multinational Russia should be devoted to goodness and harmony", the report was delivered by Galina Preminina, Deputy Chairman of the Karelian community in Moscow. The network edition "Embassy Life" acted as the General Information Partner. The theme of the report: "International and interethnic dialog, the experience of the Karelian community in Moscow". It is impossible to start the story without telling about our beloved Karelia. Karelia is a multinational and multi-confessional republic. Numerous and small-numbered peoples (Karelians, Vepsians, Ludiks) live on its territory, so we know firsthand the problems faced by the Finno-Ugric language group in an attempt to save their authenticity and identity. The experience of the work of the Public…
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It is the mother who is the keeper of the hearth.

It is the mother who is the keeper of the hearth.

The speaker of the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", the agenda of which was devoted to the topic "The culture of multinational Russia should be dedicated to goodness and harmony" was Murtazina Ficus  — Department for Interaction with government agencies in the field of culture, science, education and Public Relations of the Plenipotentiary Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation. Ficus Farashovna addressed the participants of the meeting with a welcoming speech. "Good afternoon, Dear friends! On behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation, R.K. Akhmetshin, I am pleased to welcome all speakers, participants and guests of the meeting of the discussion club "VISION 3000" dedicated to the culture…
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“BRICS and good: how international cooperation contributes to the development of culture and interethnic harmony in Russia.”

“BRICS and good: how international cooperation contributes to the development of culture and interethnic harmony in Russia.”

As part of the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", the agenda of which was devoted to the topic "The culture of multinational Russia should be dedicated to goodness and harmony", a member of the Council on Financial, Industrial and Investment Policy of the CCI of the Russian Federation. Topic of the presentation: "BRICS and good: how international cooperation contributes to the development of culture and interethnic harmony in Russia" Galibina Elena The online publication "Embassy Life" acted as the General Information Partner.. Elena Gennadievna highlighted the topic: "BRICS and good: how international cooperation contributes to the development of culture and interethnic harmony in Russia." The topic is relevant and important for our society. Cooperation between the BRICS countries plays an important role in the development of culture…
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Culture and art are the keys to understanding the thinking of any nation and denomination

Culture and art are the keys to understanding the thinking of any nation and denomination

At the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", the theme of which was: "The culture of multinational Russia should be devoted to goodness and harmony". Maria Kokunova, Head of the Projects Department of the "Power of Revival" Charitable Foundation, moderator of round tables and business events, ambassador of the community "Volunteers of Moscow", made a report on the theme: "The culture of multinational Russia should be devoted to goodness and harmony". The network publication "Embassy life" was the General Information Partner. The theme of the report: "Culture and art - keys to understanding the thinking of any nation and confession". Culture is undoubtedly a system-forming factor in terms of education of tolerance and understanding of our multinational country. If we look at the historical map, the development and…
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Collaboration of creative industries and state cultural institutions.

Collaboration of creative industries and state cultural institutions.

In the work of the meeting The International discussion Club "VISION 3000", the theme of which was: "The culture of multinational Russia should be dedicated to goodness and harmony," Yulia  Zhelvakova, President of the Charitable Foundation for Support of Socio-Public Projects and Humanitarian Missions, a public figure, author of the federal social project "Russian Culture. Rebirth". The online publication "Embassy Life" acted as the General Information Partner. The topic of the report is "Collaboration of creative industries and state cultural institutions". The Charitable Foundation for the Support of Socio-public Projects and Humanitarian Initiatives "The Power of Rebirth" was established within the framework of cultural policy and guided by the Decree of Vladimir Putin dated 01/25/2023. No 35. The main mission of the Foundation is to raise the general level of…
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The culture of multinational Russia should be dedicated to goodness and harmony

The culture of multinational Russia should be dedicated to goodness and harmony

On April 18, 2024, a meeting of the "VISION 3000 International Discussion Club" was held at the Moscow House of Nationalities. The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic: "The culture of multinational Russia should be dedicated to goodness and harmony." The meeting was opened by Amirova Alfiya, President of the International Union of Women, President of the International Discussion Club VISION 3000. Alfiya Amirova noted: "Russia is a multinational and multi—religious country and it is necessary to treat all peoples living on its territory with respect. Any omission in national and language policy can be used to incite interethnic conflicts, inculcate ideas of extremism, and destroy the integrity of the ethno-cultural space of our country. Multinational culture, traditional spiritual and moral values underlie the common cultural space…
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Traditions and customs – the connection of times and modern application

Traditions and customs – the connection of times and modern application

At the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", the theme of which was: "Living traditions of the peoples of Russia", Yana Filimonova, co-founder of the Workshop of Management and Communications, a public figure, a member of the BRICS Women's Business Alliance, made a report. The online publication "Embassy Life" acted as the General Information Partner. [caption id="attachment_983" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] фотография ГБУ "Московский дом национальностей"[/caption] The topic of the report: "Traditions and customs – the connection of times and modern application". The current year 2024 has been declared the year of the family in our country, and strengthening the traditions, culture, and customs of our large multinational Homeland is of particular importance. Thanks to traditions, people know about their origins and feel the support of their ancestors. Our identity,…
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The further into the future we enter, the more we cherish the past…

The further into the future we enter, the more we cherish the past…

The living traditions of the peoples of Russia were discussed at the meeting of the INTERNATIONAL DISCUSSION CLUB “VISION 3000” at which Safiullova Rima Gumerovna acted as a speaker. Rima Gumerovna is the General Director of Agrofirma Kolos LLC. The head of the public organization of Tatar women "Ak Kalfak" of the Tetyushsky municipal district under the Regional public organization of Tatar women "Ak Kalfak" and the World Congress of Tatars of the Republic of Tatarstan. The official representative of the International Women's Union in the Republic of Tatarstan. The head of the All-Russian public Fund "Tatar family" of the Tetyushsky municipal district.Deputy om of the Syundyukovsky rural settlement of the Tetyushsky municipal district. Rimma Gumerovna told about the Culture and traditions of the Tatar people. The foundation of nationality…
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The cultural diversity and ethnic map of Russia have been formed for many centuries.

The cultural diversity and ethnic map of Russia have been formed for many centuries.

Новости, photo archive
Within the framework of the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", the agenda of which was devoted to the topic "Living traditions of the peoples of Russia", the First Deputy Director of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution "Moscow House of Nationalities", a member of the jury of the International Photo Contest "Mother and children in national costumes, a member of the jury of the International Festival "Hands of a Woman", Candidate PhD in Economics - Safaralieva Dilyara Gadzhimetovna. Dilara Gadzhimetovna told: "Cultural diversity and the ethnic map of Russia have been shaped for many centuries under the influence of a number of factors: economic activity, migrations, conquests, as well as government policies aimed at strengthening and expanding borders. These actions resulted not only in territorial acquisitions, but also…
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