International practices of working with young people.

International practices of working with young people.

On 09/20/2023, a meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000" was held in the Moscow House of Nationalities. The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic "International practices of working with youth". The issues of cooperation with youth and prospects for its development in our country were discussed on the basis of the experience of world practice, taking into account Russian realities and the already existing accumulated experience. Working with young people is the most important stage of the cultural development of the younger generation, during which strong friendly and partnership relations with different states are created and interethnic relations are strengthened. They noted the importance of the mentor's role in educating the younger generation. The year 2023 has been declared the Year of the Teacher and…
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We invite you to the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”

We invite you to the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”

We invite you on September 20, 2023 at 11.00 to a meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", which will be held with the support of the Government of Moscow (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU "Moscow House of Nationalities") at the Moscow House of Nationalities at the address: Novaya Basmannaya str., 4, p. 1, Moscow The topic of the meeting is "International practices of working with youth". Entrance is strictly by registration is planned to discuss issues of family values of various nationalities, the concept of strengthening interethnic and interfaith harmony.Youth cooperation is one of the most important areas for the development of friendly and partnership relations between states that have their own experience in working with young people.Over the…
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Vladimir Zorin Chairman of the Commission on Interethnic, Interreligious Relations and Migration of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Zorin Chairman of the Commission on Interethnic, Interreligious Relations and Migration of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

The speaker of the meeting was Vladimir Yurievich Zorin, Chairman of the Commission on Interethnic, Interreligious Relations and Migration of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation with the theme "Family values as the basis of unity in the context of interethnic and religious diversity". Member of the Council Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Chairman of the Commission Commission on Interethnic, Interreligious Relations and Migration Member of the inter-commission working group Inter-commission Working Group on ensuring interaction with Public Councils under the Federal Executive Authorities of the Russian Federation Inter-commission working group on the preparation of the draft annual Report of the Public Chamber on the state of civil society in the Russian Federation Member of the commission with the right of advisory vote Commission for…
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Межнациональный диалог, культурный код, семейные ценности.

Межнациональный диалог, культурный код, семейные ценности.

Новости, photo archive
17.08.2023г прошло заседание Международного дискуссионного клуба«VISION 3000»  в Московском доме национальностей. Повестка заседания была посвящена теме «Межнациональный диалог, культурный код, семейные ценности». ФОТО ГБУ "Московский дом национальностей" Обсуждали вопросы семейных ценностей различных национальностей, концепцию укрепления межнационального и межконфессионального согласия, о культурном коде. Организатор: РОО «Интернациональный Союз женщин»Генеральным информационным партнером выступило Сетевое издание «Посольская жизнь»Открыла заседание Амирова Альфия - Президент РОО «Интернациональный союз женщин», Президент Международного дискуссионного клуба «VISIO 3000» ФОТО ГБУ "Московский дом национальностей" Участникам заседания был представлен ролик Международного фотоконкурса "Мама и дети в национальных костюмах". ФОТОКОНКУРС был представлен НА ПМЭФ- 2023 в формате диджитал на Международном фестивале народов Севера «Душа России» на площадке киностудии «Ленфильм» в рамках культурной программы. Спикерами заседания выступили:Зорин Владимир Юрьевич Председатель Комиссии по межнациональным, межрелигиозным отношениям и миграции Общественной палаты Российской Федерации с темой…
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Russian-Kyrgyz cultural cooperation based on centuries-old mutually enriching ties between the peoples of the two countries.

Russian-Kyrgyz cultural cooperation based on centuries-old mutually enriching ties between the peoples of the two countries.

Ayperi Zhanybaevna Zhamshitova, Counselor of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Russian Federation, took part in the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", organized by the International Women's Union Ayperi Zhanybekovna revealed the topic "Russian-Kyrgyz cultural cooperation based on centuries-old mutually enriching ties between the peoples of the two countries." Dear Alfiya Ravilevna, Dear participants of the meeting! On behalf of the Embassy and on my own behalf, let me welcome the participants of the VISION-3000 International Discussion Club and express gratitude for the opportunity to participate in its work. The topic of my report is Russian-Kyrgyz cultural cooperation based on centuries-old mutually enriching ties between the peoples of the two countries. Of course, given that relations between our countries and peoples originated back in 1785,…
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About the work of the Center for Geostrategic Studies and the development of Serbian-Russian relations through public diplomacy

About the work of the Center for Geostrategic Studies and the development of Serbian-Russian relations through public diplomacy

Dragana TRIFKOVIC, Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies (Serbia) took part in the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", organized by  "International Women's Union" General information partner: Online publication "Embassy Life" Ms. Trifkovic revealed the topic "The development of Serbian-Russian relations through people's diplomacy". The Center for Geostrategic Studies is a Serbian independent non—governmental organization that has been operating for almost ten years. It is based in Belgrade, but has an international character, as it gathers experts and activists from all over the world. In total, about fifty people from Serbia, other European countries, Russia, China, the USA, Africa, Central Asia, the Middle East and Latin America participate in the work of the Center for Geostrategic Studies. The Center for Geostrategic Research is a unique active organization…
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Watercolor – as the language of international communications

Watercolor – as the language of international communications

On July 26, 2023, a meeting was held International Discussion Club "VISION 3000" with the support of the Government of Moscow (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU "Moscow House of Nationalities") in the Moscow House of Nationalities. The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic "Cultural dialogue. Interethnic relations". The speaker was Elena Kruglova, a producer of art projects. ️Artist. Founder and head of the World of Modern Watercolors community in Moscow. ️Founder of the Russian charity project for children with disabilities – Workshop of young superheroes ”I am the creator!” Elena Alexandrovna revealed the topic "Watercolor – as the language of international communications" In the conditions of modern culture, there is a great interest in art exhibitions as a form of…
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Integration of children of ethnic diasporas into the cultural and educational space of Russia

Integration of children of ethnic diasporas into the cultural and educational space of Russia

The speaker of the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000" was Inna Mikhailovna Gorislavtseva. Member of the Presidium and head of the Moscow branch of the Social Democratic Union of Women of Russia. Member of the Expert Council of the Patriarchal Commission. Member of the expert council of the SR PO faction in the State Duma. The leader of the socio-political movement “Unification of parents". Assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Lantratova Ya.V. Proxy of the candidate for mayor of Moscow Gusev D.G. The topic of the speech is "Integration of children of ethnic diasporas into the cultural and educational space of Russia". On July 26, 2023, a meeting was held International Discussion Club "VISION 3000" with the support of the Government of Moscow…
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Traditional family values as the basis of a new cultural code.

Traditional family values as the basis of a new cultural code.

Historically, the traditional family is the basis of society, nation, religious group. No wonder F. Engels called the family the cell from which society is formed. Sergey Vladimirovich Mayorov, Development Advisor, consultant of the GDRF, Ministry of Education, revealed the topic "Traditional family values as the basis of a new cultural code" during the meeting of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000", which took place on July 26, 2023 with the support of the Moscow Government (Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, GBU "Moscow House of Nationalities") in the Moscow House of Nationalities. The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic "Cultural dialogue. Interethnic relations". {Version – Family - 7th, 2 grandmothers, 2 grandfathers, dad, mom, child} At the same time, wars,…
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Культурный диалог. Межнациональные отношения.

Культурный диалог. Межнациональные отношения.

Новости, photo archive
26 июля 2023г. состоялось заседание Международного дискуссионного клуба «VISION 3000» при поддержке Правительства Москвы (Департамент национальной политики и межрегиональных связей города Москвы, ГБУ «Московский дом национальностей») в Московском доме национальностей по адресу: Новая Басманная ул., 4, стр. 1, Москва. Организатор: РОО «Интернациональный Союз женщин» Генеральный информационный партнер: Сетевое издание «Посольская жизнь» Повестка заседания была посвящена теме «Культурный диалог. Межнациональные отношения». Вся история человечества - это диалог. Диалог пронизывает всю нашу жизнь. Он является по своей действительности средством осуществления коммуникационных связей, условие взаимопонимания людей. Главным в развитии межнациональных отношений и в целом человечества был и остается диалог культур. Взаимодействие культур, их диалог - наиболее благоприятная основа для развития межэтнических, межнациональных отношений. На Земле существует более 200 стран и около 3000 народов, обладающих неповторимым культурным своеобразием, имеющих свои обычаи, нравы, традиции, верования. Между…
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