The Revival of the spiritual and moral values of Russian society as a factor in strengthening Russian Statehood

The meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, the theme of which was: “Preservation and strengthening of traditional spiritual and moral values of multinational Russia and friendly foreign countries”, was attended by Landa Kamil Gazimagomedovich, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Cooperation of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation.

Landa Kamil covered the topic: “The revival of the spiritual and moral values of Russian society as a factor in strengthening Russian statehood.”

On November 9, 2022, the President of the Russian Federation issued a Decree “On approving the Foundations of State Policy for the preservation and Strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”

This Decree could not fail to come out, since Russian President Vladimir Putin perfectly understands the essence of what is happening and in the Decree he defined and assessed the situation in Russia and in the world as requiring urgent measures to protect traditional values and the document defines strategic planning in the field of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation. Defines a system of goals, objectives and tools for the implementation of this strategic national priority.

Thus, the State policy on the preservation and strengthening of traditional values should be implemented in the field of education and upbringing, youth work, culture, science, interethnic and interreligious relations, mass media and mass communications, and international cooperation. Federal executive authorities responsible for defense, state security, internal affairs, public security, and other public authorities within their powers participate in the implementation of such a state policy.

And today we see that the threat to traditional values is posed by the activities of extremist and terrorist organizations, individual mass media and mass communications, the actions of the United States of America and other unfriendly foreign states (mainly Western countries), a number of transnational corporations and foreign non-profit organizations, as well as the activities of some organizations and individuals on the territory of Russia ideologically and psychologically influencing our population through a culture alien to Russians. And this leads to the imposition of a system of ideas and values alien to the Russian people and destructive to Russian society, including the cultivation of selfishness, permissiveness, immorality, denial of the ideals of patriotism, service to the Fatherland (as we saw in the phenomenon of “Upper Lars”), natural continuation of life, the values of a strong family, marriage, large families, creative work, positive Russia’s contribution to world history and culture, the destruction of the traditional family through the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.

And this entails:

a) creating conditions for the self-destruction of society, weakening family, friendly and other social ties;

b) causing harm to the moral health of people, imposing ideas that imply the denial of human dignity and the value of human life;

d) the introduction of antisocial stereotypes of behavior, the spread of an immoral lifestyle, permissiveness and violence, the increase in alcohol and drug use;

e) the formation of a society that neglects spiritual and moral values;

f) distortion of historical truth, destruction of historical memory;

We are practitioners who directly meet and communicate with young people and see that this is happening before our eyes. And the implementation of all the goals and objectives of this Decree should lead to:

a) preservation and strengthening of traditional values, ensuring their transmission from generation to generation;

b) countering the spread of destructive ideology;

(e) Support for public projects and civil society institutions in the field of patriotic education and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia;

k) support for projects aimed at promoting traditional values in the information environment (these are both points, just on our topic today, dear moderator);

a) strengthening civil unity, all-Russian civic identity and Russian identity, interethnic and interreligious harmony based on the unifying role of traditional values;

c) preservation, strengthening and promotion of traditional family values (including the protection of the institution of marriage as a union of men and women);

The implementation of this State Policy will contribute to the preservation of the all-Russian civic identity, the development of human potential, the maintenance of civil peace and harmony in the country, the strengthening of law and order, the formation of a secure information space, the protection of Russian society from the spread of destructive ideology, and the achievement of national development goals.

b) preservation of historical memory, countering attempts to falsify history. (Trying to falsify our history, they act according to the Goebbels method – “A lie told three times becomes the truth”);

c) the formation in the international arena of the image of the Russian state as the guardian and defender of traditional universal spiritual and moral values, according to which at least 2/3 of the world’s population lives.

Most importantly, it will lead to the saving and multiplication of the people of Russia, we need a population of at least 350-400 million people on our territory. And according to the conclusions of experts, a state with a population of 300 million people can close down and not depend on anyone, and it will turn out according to K. Marx – “Our people will move their own history.” Or I will quote the words of Patriarch Pavel of Serbia, said by him after the formation of Kosovo, “If an Albanian woman gives birth to 7 children, and a Serbian woman performs 7 abortions, then Albanians need this land more than Serbs. So the Lord disposed of the lands of Kosovo and Metohija as He saw fit.” God forbid this will happen to Russia. The Head of our state understands this situation very well. Let’s support him!

Naturally, in the future the situation may develop according to a positive or negative scenario.

A negative scenario can be realized in the absence of counteraction to the spread of an alien lifestyle and the launch of this Decree of the President of Russia. If the Decree is not implemented and remains on paper, and we realize that, unfortunately, there are still destructive forces for Russian society among decision makers.

A positive scenario will be realized under the condition of a systematic and consistent implementation of state policy to preserve and strengthen traditional values. This scenario involves strengthening the protection of Russian society from threats and risks to traditional values and is focused on the formation of a highly moral personality brought up in the spirit of respect for traditional values. A positive scenario involves the gradual overcoming of existing problems, the search for answers to new challenges based on traditional value orientations.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers of this Round Table that they are not indifferent to what is happening in our country and contribute to the implementation of the decisions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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