At the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, the topic of which was: “Mechanisms of generational formation based on family and traditional values,” Semiletov Sergey – Chairman of the Board of the NGO Council of Tver Fathers, expert of the National Association of Researchers of Parental Alienation Syndrome, Member of the Orthodox Parent Committee, Deputy head of the Tver branch of the Union of Women of Russia.

Topic: “Education as a foundation for the formation of a personality, as a constitutional duty of a parent, provided for in article 38 of the Constitution.”
Dear colleagues, drawing attention to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 809 “On the approval of the Foundations of State Policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” (hereinafter – the decree), I will touch on education as the basis of the foundations and the complex mechanism that affects each of us, the direct dependence of education on society alone as a whole.
The framework approved by the decree is a “strategic planning document in the field of national security Of the Russian Federation”.
It is determined that traditional values are moral guidelines that form the worldview of Russian citizens, passed down from generation to generation, they include a strong family, high moral ideals, continuity of generations, unity of the peoples of Russia.
The approved fundamentals indicate the risks and threats to traditional values – this is an ideological and psychological impact on citizens, which leads to the imposition of ideas and values alien to the Russian people and destructive to Russian society (destructive ideology), including the cultivation of selfishness, permissiveness, immorality, denial of the ideals of the value of a strong family, marriage, etc.
The goals and objectives of the state policy on this issue are in particular:
– preservation and strengthening of traditional values, ensuring their transmission from generation to generation;
– education in the spirit of respect for traditional values as a key tool of state policy in the field of education and culture, necessary for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.
One of the tools for the implementation, preservation and strengthening of traditional values in the decree is traced: “improvement of the regulatory framework at the federal, regional and municipal levels.”
The document places important emphasis on the family, on traditions, on generations, culture and upbringing.
- During education, conditions are purposefully created for the development of personality and its, so to speak, compliance with the values and interests of society. Education is aimed at the formation of norms of behavior, motives of behavior and meanings.Education in a broad sense is the influence of family and society on a person, purposeful activity designed to form a system of personality qualities, views, beliefs, etc. in children. The world around us is a single educational environment for a child, here he is brought up by family, school, social circle, the most important process is the transfer of meanings from the media).It is the values that have been instilled in the child (and after all, the child is in many ways the zero kilometer of the state – a new beginning, and this is the beginning in heredity and upbringing) that will largely determine the picture of the child’s tomorrow – the norm for him. What is embedded and introduced determines the behavior of a child, what this boy and this girl will be like, what a man and what a woman will be like, that is, the society of tomorrow.I can call education an element of generation planning, at the same time, if we return to one of the channels for receiving information, I am glad that the TV picture is changing and the state is systematically raising patriotism and positively influencing the broadcast meanings, correcting the previously massive harmful influence from outside, alien to our great multinational Russia.In particular, based on my experience with regard to anti-terrorist security, within the framework of the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, I directly link the security of society from the upbringing of one child. Examples:
– a bus or plane full of people, and the safety of everyone on this bus or plane depends on the upbringing and motivations of one previously brought up improperly;
– shooting at schools by children – a high percentage … addicted to games, the influence of incomplete families – incomplete upbringing;
– another example, a properly educated man or a well-mannered woman creates a family with a person who is not vaccinated, what is in the 809 Decree (“Strong family”), both suffer, and if there are children, divorce, resentment, stress to the child, a wound in the soul;
– another example, they choose a partner for the family according to the criterion of beauty, the spiritual does not always take precedence over the material (again, Decree 809), and then … and he or she is not caring, divorce.
I draw attention to the huge number of divorces, divorces of adults, where children’s tears, where manipulative behavior of adults prevails, where a man or woman cannot move from the roles of men and women to the roles of only father and mother for a child.
Can we say that the number of divorces that take place is previously a choice not according to the entire set of important criteria of family life, or divorce is an element of selfishness … I suppose there are incorrect selection criteria and selfishness and much more.
I would like to additionally focus on the family FOR the CHILD and the upbringing of a small citizen of big Russia by mom and dad – that is, from the family, from the traditions of the two clans.
3.1. A little bit of the legal part:
– I will quote Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation “Taking care of children, their upbringing is an equal right and duty of parents.” And I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and people representing branches of government are responsible for the work of algorithms for the implementation of guarantees.
– I will quote Article 63 of the RF IC “Parents have the right and obligation to raise their children.”
AND HERE THE KEY THING IS: the state has given parents an obligation, imposed education on both parents, and UNFORTUNATELY the algorithm for not allowing violations does not work.
3.2. Today in Russia, only administrative liability is provided for non-compliance with a court decision on the procedure for communication between a child and a separate parent.
Within the framework of the stated topic, I suggest that everyone pay attention to Article 3.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which reads as follows: “The purposes of administrative punishment.” I will quote the essence of the article: “Administrative punishment is A MEASURE of RESPONSIBILITY ESTABLISHED by the STATE for the commission of an administrative offense AND IS USED IN ORDER TO PREVENT NEW OFFENSES, both by the offender himself and by other persons.”
That is, based on a document with the status of a Federal Law, which is the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the legislator pointed out to us that the point is to exclude new offenses. This means that the law, as it stands, must protect. To protect the possibility of bringing up a child by two parents and the possibility of transferring traditional spiritual and moral values from generation to generation (including within the framework of Vladimir Putin’s Decree No. 809). At the same time, only the parent himself can inform his child about those heroes who defended the Motherland by the kind of child during the Great Patriotic War. So does this provision of the law protect – I think it does not. If the law doesn’t work, it needs to be changed, adjusted!
Under the current system, we can talk not about guarantees of the protection of the child’s rights to upbringing, but about possible and insignificant consequences – insignificant fines. The absence of linking the amount of the fine to the minimum wage, to the level of income of the violator, which unties the rule of law from the economic situation in the country and the life of a particular citizen.
At the same time, I believe that the amount of the fine should not frighten the population, because it does not matter in the absence of illegal behavior. I will give an elementary comparison: driving in an inappropriate condition is a serious fine, significant for a part of the population, significantly exceeds the minimum wage, but in the absence of illegal behavior, the size of the fine does not matter.
The future of both the child and his environment depends on education, for example, the safety of the entire school where this child studies. Once again: a child without upbringing is not a very significant fine and driving is a significant fine, I see a discrepancy! Such a situation generates permissiveness and impunity, in fact, allows violating the rights of a child in Russia!
In practice, it can be stated quite accurately that the existing types of responsibility are not able to prevent new offenses, which means that effective legislative initiatives are needed that will protect young Russian citizens in the year declared the year of the “Family” in the Russian Federation, and the constitutional duties of their parents to raise children.
The unequal approach of legislators to the fixed responsibilities of parents is obvious. Thus, criminal liability has been established for non-fulfillment by a parent of the obligation to maintain a child, and for obstacles or inaction by one of the parents in communication between a child and another parent – administrative, rarely applicable due to deadlines and not essential in terms of responsibility.
At the same time, there are parents who, protecting the rights of the child, were still able to bring the guilty parent to justice under Articles 5.35 and 17.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and such resolutions that entered into force more than 10, 20, 30 … but this does not restore the rights of the child and the parent, that is, again, we can argue that the essence of the Administrative Code stated in the “prevention of new offenses” does not work and requires correction.
There is a situation in which the judicial branch of government can consider the claims of parents for more than a year, and then the legislative branch of government, having determined the period of consideration for 2 months, actually bury the results of a judicial dispute based on numerous volumes of the case.
The relevance of the problems was discussed by deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation back in 2010 when discussing draft laws No. 304460-5 and No. 304470-5, on July 08, 2024 during a round table on this topic.
Already in 2010, deputies, in particular, noted the need to bring a person to criminal responsibility for malicious failure to comply with a court decision on the procedure for communicating with a child. It was noted that bringing an offender to administrative responsibility for non-compliance with a court decision is not a sufficient measure to prevent such offenses. The proposal to introduce criminal liability for these offenses was explained by the imperfection of the consideration of disputes related to the determination of the child’s place of residence and the procedure for exercising parental rights, the low level of legal culture of citizens.
The unwillingness and (or) lack of intention of the parent to comply with the court decision that has entered into force indicates abuse of parental rights and, in addition to violating the rights of children, also indicates a violation of the constitutional parental rights of a parent living separately from the child
The right to review protocols under Article 5.35 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation is vested in territorial commissions for minors and the protection of their rights, whose members are persons who often do not have both legal education and psychological and pedagogical competencies, while the period of prosecution for this composition is 2 months! All this combined has led to the ineffectiveness of protecting the rights of children in a parent/parent conflict in Russia.
At the same time, it should additionally be noted that after repeated, often unsuccessful attempts by a mother or father living separately, to protect the rights of their child and their rights, under the current system (often unable to raise their children, which does not guarantee the targeting of funds transferred for child maintenance), these parents are in no hurry to become dads and moms again, which is EXTREMELY it has a negative impact on demographics.
Following the separation of the parents, a second trouble comes to the child – the destruction of family ties, entailing the inability of the parent to transfer the ancestral and family experience and traditions to the child. An adult father or mother living with a child often systematically prevents a separate parent from communicating with a child, hides information about the child, obviously wanting to completely erase from the child’s mind and heart everything related to his separate parent.
As a result of psychological “processing” by adults who are significant to the child (most often the parent with whom the child lives, but often the grandmother or grandfather, the new spouse of the parent), the child accepts a purposefully inspired interpretation of the figure of the parent. The child-parent attachment is being destroyed, the child’s ties with family members living separately from the child are being torn.
In this case, domestic experts speak of psychological induction. In order to survive, being at an age where he has complete dependence on the parent with whom he lives (including dependence on food and water), he has to adapt. And the parent manipulates the child’s emotions, shows the child how upset he gets when the child communicates with a separate mom or dad.
Psychological induction is an extreme form of involving a child in a parental conflict, it is a vivid example of the pronounced negative influence of an inducer parent on the mental state and further psychological development of a minor, on the mental and somatic health of a child and his moral development. This is a threat to the demographic situation in the country, such a situation negatively affects the prospects for saving and multiplying people, creates constantly increasing social tension, and in general threatens the national security of Russia.
The continuity of generations ensures the formation of civic identity. According to the Concept of State Family Policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/25/2014 No. 1618-r, a multi-generational family in traditional Russian family culture has always been the main type of family in which close relationships between several generations of relatives have been established. The traditional family values proclaimed by the Concept include, inter alia, joint parenting of children, respect for parents.
Based on my speech, it can be seen that education is essential for society as a whole, which is confirmed, among other things, by numerous decrees, instructions and concepts of our state, our President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly spoken about education, there is a direct dependence of demography on education. At the same time, there are a number of legislative initiatives aimed at correcting ineffective measures to protect children’s rights to education, drawing attention, among other things, to the fact that one of the tools for implementing, preserving and strengthening traditional values is “improving the regulatory framework at the federal, regional and municipal levels.”