Creative industries: prospects for the development of culture and art


On 10/25/2023, a meeting of the VISIO 3000 International Discussion Club was held at the Moscow House of Nationalities State University.

The agenda of the meeting is devoted to the topic “Creative industries: prospects for the development of culture and art”.


Creative industries have become the drivers of growth in the world in recent years.

Every day we use products of creative industries: for example, when we watch movies, choose what to wear, order food, walk around the city. The creative economy sector has up to 16 areas depending on the classification and includes art, design, fashion, computer graphics, animation, computer game development, IT, architecture and urbanism, cinema, TV, new media, music and sound design, marketing and communications, publishing, journalism, education in areas of creative industries.

Creative industries are a synthesis of creativity, culture, economy and technology. They are built on the talents and ideas of people and serve as a driver of the economy.

The issues of supporting folk arts and crafts, promoting regional commodity brands and products were discussed separately.


The moderator of the meeting was Amirova Alfiya, President of the International Women’s Union, President of the International Discussion Club VISION 3000

The speakers were:

  • Ekaterina Udalova – Deputy Director of the Penza Region Entrepreneurship Support Fund “My Business”. Ekaterina, the head of the Center for the Development of Creative Industries of the Penza region, Ph.D. in Economics, told about the development of creative industries in the Penza region, what events are being held and planned to be held in the region, about the results and achievements.
  • Nadezhda Kuznetsova is the founder and CEO of the Interior design Studio “Melange Decor”. Co-founder and CEO of the La Atmosfera Center for Creative Art Design at VDNH, author and head of the exhibition project “HIGH CRAFTS OF RUSSIA”. Member of the organizing committee, art curator of the Festival “Word of the Land”, held annually by the Charity Foundation “Culture. Ecology. Social cooperation”. Art consultant for the creation of collections of contemporary art (course of the Art Institute at Sotheby’s). Nadezhda presented the theme “High crafts – the revival of the Russian manufactory”.
  • Elena Kalgina – Executive Director of the Foundation for Support of Educational and Educational Initiatives “People’s Project”. Member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, member of the Board of Trustees of the Pobeda TV Channel, which is part of the First Channel JSC, co-founder of the I am on Style project. Founder and ex-head of the All-Russian movement “Immortal Regiment of Russia”. Elena spoke about the elements of the Russian cultural code and modern images for young people — is a combination possible? She announced a new project – about the mass Russian fashion “I’m on style”.
  • Tahmina Karimova is a Coordinator for working with artisans in the National Association of Businesswomen of Tajikistan.Co-founder of Ozara Company (Tajikistan). Tahmina, using the example of the Ozara company, spoke about the preservation of heritage through social entrepreneurship. About all the pros and cons. What we managed to achieve and what we faced.
  • Artur Selimov is the Founder of the Association of Cultural Initiatives “ZurArt”. Serbia. Head of the International Children’s Fine Art Competition “ZurArt.”. Serbia. Developer of the analytical platform of corporate governance “Triaflay”. Artur highlighted the topic “Information Technologies: The Evolution of Culture and Art in the Modern World”.

  • Andrey Ignashchenko – Head of the Moscow branch of the Intersectoral Trade Union of Workers, Creative Professions and Creative Industries, head of cultural programs of the Soviet Peace Foundation, head of the Creative Association “MediaStar”, member of the Council for Intellectual Property of the CCI of the Russian Federation. Andrey Mikhailovich spoke about THE NEW ARTISANS OF RUSSIA.
  • Asia Biskup – Vice President of the NGO “International Union of Women”, Executive Director of the International Discussion Club “VISIO 3000”. Asia spoke about the goals, objectives, and mission of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”.

During the work of the international discussion club, the topic of copyright was also raised, a collection and exchange of views on a given topic took place, possible joint initiatives and partnerships were developed.


According to the general opinion of the participants of the meeting, only by uniting we will be able to promote creative industries for the benefit of society.

Organizer: “International Women’s Union”

General information partner: Online publication “Embassy Life”

We invite you to the next meeting of the “International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, which will be held on November 22, 2023.

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